What is Creativity


Everyone ask in curiosity about the  God question like, who is the God ? Where is the God ? How it looks like ? These question arises because the God is beyond imagination. Let us take an example to clear this idea. Take a stick, we know a stick has two poles but can you imagine a stick without two poles ? Our mind do not agree to accept that there can be a stick without two poles. It means there is a limit in our imagination,we can not imagine a stick without two poles or two endings,when we became the subject we can not  create any thing because there will be certain limitation. Creativity starts beyond limit from existence. Creativity is a law, like water boils in 100 degree fahrenheit of temperature. We can not say why water boil in 100 degree fahrenheit. We can not go beyond law. But i say there can be possible to have a stick with out two poles. But our mind do not imagine it nor permit to accept it as a stick without poles. If we join the two poles then we can find a stick with out two poles which is a circle. But mind says it is not a stick it is a circle. Actually that is a stick where the two poles are joined.

Creativity is actually a law.

The non-existence and the existence is not two different thing. It is one thing. The Non -existence is zeroness. There is nothing but when i say  there is nothing there must be something. It means zeroness is something and all these things think our mind which is a mystery .  Zeroness is the cause which starts Creativity and Zeroness is the emptiness. These emptiness or nothingness is everything which is the base of existential things . For example we called a house to made by four wall and a roof. But no utilization of that walls, we use the blank space in that room. We can not do anything without this emptiness of the room. So creativity start in emptyness spontaneously without any force of mind or consciousness.


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